Learning Events


SABCS Webinar

The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) is an annual event in its 46th year, and hosts about 10,000 clinicians and scientists from all over the world. It is the largest and most prestigious scientific gathering on breast cancer research.

Join Sharsheret on January 17th to hear the up-to-the-minute breakthroughs in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer with Dr. Naamit Kurshan Gerber, Vice Chair for Education and associate professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology, Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Medical Center, and Dr. Natalie Klar, academic breast medical oncologist, Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU, Grossman School of Medicine.

Register here. 

This program is made possible with the support of Novartis and Gilead.

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BRCA Stories Webinar

This webinar will explore the personal and familial impact of discovering a BRCA gene mutation and provide insight into navigating family planning and preventative surgeries with the help of real-life stories from women in the BC community and guidance from members of the BC Cancer Agency's Hereditary Cancer program.

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“Beyond Angelina Jolie: Diagnosis and Management of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome”

This webinar will provide physicians with the knowledge and tools needed to identify and manage hereditary cancer risk in patients, specifically focusing on the BRCA gene mutations and their associated risks for ovarian and breast cancer, as well as other cancer risks, with presentations by experts in the field.

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Public Conference: Living with BRCA 2021

Living with BRCA is a full-day conference providing up-to-date clinical and research information on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, featuring experts in medicine, biology, psychology, and wellness to better the lives of those living with BRCA and their families and friends, taking place on March 5, 2021 as part of the multi-day BRCA Symposium.

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Your Jewish Genes: A virtual learning event

This virtual event on October 1, 2020 will explore the increased risk of certain cancers for people with Jewish ancestry and provide information on testing and prevention, featuring speakers from across North America, including members of the BC Cancer Agency's Hereditary Cancer Program.

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One In Forty

The One in Forty event on January 8th, 2020 will share stories of people within the community who carry the BRCA gene to help empower the Jewish community to have more control over your health.

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